What's even amazing is that these two letters are also written in the first verse of the first chapter of the written scripture. In the account of the creation.
Genesis 1:1
New International Interlineal Hebrew-English Bible
"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." Genesis 1:1(NIV)
Tav Aleph
These two letters are Aleph and Tav read from right to left. Aleph is the first letter of the 22 Hebrew alphabet, Tav is the last letter.
Hebrew letters are not like the letters of today. One character has a lot to tell about. The Torah teachers knew this that even if the Torah is as old as Moses, it is still telling of things never known before. A letter has a number equivalent, and a picture word. See The Hebrew Alphabet.
It is interesting to note that Aleph Tav is found at the center of the first verse; Genesis 1:1. It is untranslated, and independent of the rest of the words because Genesis 1:1 still conveys the message while Aleph Tav is silent.
Now here is the picture equivalent of the letters Aleph Tav.
An Ox and a Cross!
An Ox is a symbol for strength/ head/ leader/ God. The cross symbolizes covenant/ completion/ mark/ finished/ perfection.
More Markers
Zechariah 12:10 prophesied about the coming Messiah. Here again we see Aleph Tav after the word "me".
Snapshot from the video "Meditate on God's Word and Receive Grace Upon Grace" by Joseph Prince
New International Interlineal Hebrew-English Bible
“They will look on me, the one they have pierced..." Zechariah 12:10(NIV)
Numbers 15:36 spoke of tassel symbolic of the person GOD. The woman who had been bleeding for 12 years was healed when she touched the hem of JESUS' garment (Matthew 9:20-22). The hem of Jewish men have tassels (Tallit) on their hems. Here we see Aleph Tav again in the original text written after the word "remember".

Snapshot from the video "Meditate on God's Word and Receive Grace Upon Grace" by Joseph Prince
New International Interlineal Hebrew-English Bible
“You will have these tassels to look at and so you will remember all the commands of the LORD, that you may obey them..." Numbers 15:39(NIV)
Aleph Tav is like a verification signature or seal of the author. It appears in significant places that may be calling attention to the author.
We are only scratching the surface in the study of Aleph Tav. Aleph Tav is all over the written scripture (Old Testament of the Bible), about 7,000 more!
Thank you!